Is your once attentive and confident puppy now struggling in their adolescence? The adolescent period starts at around six months of age until two to three years old, dependent on breed type.  Are you facing challenges like:

  • Lack of Focus: Short attention spans and difficulty concentrating.
  • Not Listening: Ignoring your cue’s and exhibiting behaviours like jumping, mouthing, and barking.
  • Fear and Reactivity: Sudden fears of people, objects, and other dogs.

These are common signs that your dog is entering this challenging developmental phase.

Understanding Adolescent Dog Behaviour:

Adolescence is a period of significant change for dogs, both physically and mentally.

  • Hormonal Shifts: The surge of growth and reproductive hormones can lead to increased energy, impulsivity, and limited concentration.
  • Fear Periods: Many dogs experience a second fear stage during adolescence, characterized by heightened anxiety and reactivity to novel stimuli.
  • Brain Development: The adolescent brain is still developing, making it more challenging for dogs to control impulses and focus.

The Power of Scentwork Training:

Scentwork offers a valuable tool for navigating these challenges:

  • Reduced Frustration: By engaging a different part of the brain, scentwork minimizes the frustration often associated with traditional training methods during adolescence.
  • Increased Focus: The act of searching for a specific odour naturally enhances focus and concentration.
  • Hormonal Balance: The release of dopamine during successful searches helps to counterbalance the effects of surging hormones.
  • Strengthened Bond: Working together as a team to solve scentwork puzzles strengthens the bond between you and your dog.


A Positive Approach to Adolescent Challenges:

Instead of battling these behavioral changes, embrace this period as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your dog and strengthen your relationship. Scentwork provides a fun and engaging way to maintain a positive training experience and prepare for a more harmonious future with your adolescent dog.

Mandy Rigby

Founder Scent Work Academy

Online Scentwork  For Beginners Training Course

In Person  Scentwork for Beginner’s Taster Workshop