All dog’s thrive when using their incredible noses. Dogs can smell 100,000 times better than humans, these superpower noses can sniff out a teaspoon of sugar in two Olympic sized swimming pools, medical detection dogs can alert to low sugar levels in their owners sweat, detect certain cancers and even alert on the Covid19 virus being present.  Dogs can help us locate people, dead or alive and can even locate a decaying body under water via the odour.

Sniffing is an innate and fundamental activity for every dog. Sniffing is more than simply enrichment it’s at the core of every dog’s being in how they navigate their surrounding environment. Through smell the dog gains vital details about who has passed by the area recently and this information is evaluated for any threats around or any possibilities of reproducing. They use their noses to locate food and water, it is their primary way to gather all the information they need to survive. The sniffing brain (Olfactory System is 30% of the brain matter)  and a dog can use a lot of energy physically and mentally when utilizing the olfactory system.

Our companion dogs should be allowed to sniff whenever possible, dogs see the world through their noses and this activity is equally as crucial to the wellbeing of the canine species as regular exercise.

The dogs seeking system to locate food is very much underutilized in our companion dogs as we supply all their food and water.  The majority of our dogs are also neutered so the seeking for a mate is not as prevalent to them as in days gone by. To help our dogs fulfil their genetical need to seek and locate supplying additional outlets offers many benefits for our dogs.

Over the past few years nose work has become more well known and accessible for companion dog owners and becoming a popular activity, which is excellent news for our dogs! Detection style scent work is a great sport for dogs and handlers to participate in and can open up a whole new world for both the four legged and two legged. Seeing the world through a dog’s nose is truly fascinating.

The dog uses their complex olfactory system to detect the location of a scent, of course all dogs know how to sniff and follow a scent of interest to them but the human element makes up this team activity and is where you can step into their amazing world of smell. We are there to help our dogs to understand the activity we are doing by training them to locate specific scents and alert us when they have found it.

Airport canine. Dog sniffs out drugs or bomb in a luggage.

Scent work is based on operational style detection nose work which is practiced by the police, military, custom search dogs, explosives and medical detection dogs and search and rescue. This is when the dog is trained to search for and locate a specific scent.

The scent is placed amongst articles, rooms, vehicles and outdoor spaces. Scent work can be practiced at home, in your garden and within a group training scenario and also at different locations and competition level. It’s an intriguing activity in learning about how different scent particles move and involves keen handler observation skills which develop the handler and dog relationship.


  • Invaluable outlet to fulfil a dog’s fundamental instinctual need to seek and locate
  • Reward based activity increasing dopamine levels ‘the feel good hormone’
  • Increases confidence to explore and engage with different environments
  • Helps a dog to problem solve whilst working through the natural search challenges
  • Builds on the ability for the dog to concentrate and focus
  • Utilizes energy, mentally and physically
  • Non-impact sport promoting natural movement
  • Builds on the handler and dog relationship through teamwork
  • Dogs of all ages, breeds, life history and physical abilities can participate
  • Everyone is welcome to have a go at nose sports with their dog, companion pet owner and trainers. For the handler it is a social activity where you can meet new friends and likeminded dog lovers and enjoy spending time with your dog

If you would like to start your scent work journey with your dog please contact Mandy, an experienced and certified Scent Work instructor via the contact page