Is your once attentive and confident puppy now struggling in their adolescence? The adolescent period starts at around six months of age until two to three years old, dependent on breed type. Are you facing challenges like: Lack of Focus: Short attention spans and...
Scentwork training at Scentwork Academy fosters a deep and enriching connection between dogs and their owners. We believe in: Unleashing Canine Potential: Scentwork provides dogs with the opportunity to engage in their most natural and rewarding activity, searching....
I first met Julie and her Doberman bitch, Teddy, in May 2023 when they joined one of my Scent Work for Beginners Workshops. Teddy was three and a half years old. Julie and her husband thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and hadn’t realized just how fascinating and...
Has Your Dog Got More Sniffy in The Colder Weather? The relationship between icy weather and dogs’ ability to smell is complex. Here’s a breakdown: Potential for Stronger Scents Reduced Scent Dispersion: Cold air holds scents closer to the ground,...
From the very first weeks of life, I noticed my granddaughter’s fascination with labels on blankets and toys. She’d intently gaze at them, reaching out with incredible precision to touch them. Around nine months old, I introduced her to a sticker book –...
I firmly believe a scentwork instructor’s most crucial role is having a depth of knowledge regarding where to place the target odour for the dog’s to locate. This skill is honed through extensive experience, observing thousands of searches by hundreds of...